Tuesday, December 1, 2009

If you were gay, that'd be OK


Why yes, even the famous and fabulous were once just as painfully awkward as we are. Adam Lambert, after a controversial performance at the AMAs, admitted that his potential bad judgement stemmed from a desire to flaunt his recently aquired physique and self-confidence. However, aside from this, what caught my attention was how the media has reacted to the upset. Sure, what Lambert did may not have been in the best of taste -- but anyone recall the Madonna/Britney/Christina incident of years past? Of course it was scandalous, but no news broadcast sensored the steamy exchange between the ladies (it was dubbed as "hot" and "sexy"), whereas CBS took it upon themselves to censor the exchange between Lambert and a male dancer.

This obvious gender bias seems too blatent to get away with in national media. Because American culture dictates that lesbians are hot and gays are perverse doesn't mean a national new outlet like CBS has to play into such biased bullocks. It's not as though he's a sociopathic sexual deviant -- quite the contrary, Lambert has shown embarrassment over his actions at the award ceremony. "I don't blame them. I got carried away. It was stuff that I did not do in rehearsal, so they were probably a little bit taken aback," he said. "They gave me a great opportunity to close the AMAs and I would never want to smack that gift horse in the mouth. I think they were taking a leap of faith having me do that, and it unfortunately it didn't work out as we all thought it would.

Link to story at cnn.com:

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