Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I am not a crook. But I MIGHT be a pervert.


A spattering of new allegations have surfaced condemning Democratic senator John Edwards concerning his extramarital affair with one Ms. Hunter back during his run for presidency last year. While always the classy man, he apologized to his ailing wife, his Lord, and then laid to rest claims that he is, in fact, Hunter's baby daddy. While we moved on with our lives and left Edwards to wallow in his shame, alas, new information is being gathered in Yente Central! A recent article from The New York Times alleges that he might be the father after all. No, this isn't an episode of General Hospital, our nation really does prioritize this over health care reform and stability in Afghanistan.

Another charge includes a claim that Edwards promised his mistress a wedding after his dear wife met her maker. Okay, look -- if this is true, Edwards needs to find a pothole of boiling goo and fall in it. If it's not, then the bastard who made this up needs to meet the same fate. Yet, aside from these raw allegations, the true question is what allows some politicians (namely Billy Clinton, ahem ahem) a "pass" so to speak, while others such as Eliot Spitzer will forever be simply "That Guy with the Hookers." For crying out loud, Newt Gingrich was having an affair while he was impeaching Clinton...for having an affair (and who the f*!# would have an affair with NEWT GINGRICH? Ew.) Is it charisma? A seemingly-genuine apology? "There is an unseemly factor to what they did that sort of disgusts people that makes people think there is something fundamentally wrong with them," Leonard Steinhorn, a professor of political communications at American University said. "And I think that is why they may never recover fully unlike Bill Clinton."

Lather, rinse, repeat. Rape, repent, respite? Not so much.

Link to story at cnn.com

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