Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Versailles Burger -- now with extra snooty!


Burger King Co. has opted to swap it's generic fast-food joint interior in favor of a "sleek interior" and rotating flame chandeliers. In a statement from Chairman and CEO John Chidsey, "I'd call it more contemporary, edgy, futuristic." Thus far, remodeled restuarants have seen a spike in sales upwards of 12 to 15 percent. Okay, that's really great, Burger King. But, personally, when I go to a fast food restuarant, it isn't for the atmosphere of being in a legitimate beef castle -- it's for your fast and efficient flame broiled mediocrity. An upscale burger is probably my last concern upon entering a Burger King and I'm sure the majority of their patrons (kiddies and college-age students) couldn't give a rat's patootie what the interior looks like. In addition, these alterations will cost between a whopping* $300,000 and $600,000 PER RESTAURANT. The economy is lagging and franchise owners are expected to make these changes by a deadline. While sales may have spiked, they are surely not enough to cover the expenses brought on by these seemingly unnecessary alterations. If corporate really has that much money to spend, put it towards developing new menu items or better toys in kids' meals. Mine always break.

Plasma television menus don't enhance my food-going experience mostly because fast food itself is an experience and attempting to enhance that is merely altering that experience. You dig?

* pun worthy of a footnote.

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